It seems hard to believe that I have not been on the web site for a few weeks. Time certainly seems to be marching on and I have really just been getting ton with work in the studio in addition to working on the dissertation. I am hoping that I will be able to submit the dissertation before the end of this semester so that the holidays are for resting up not further wrestling with the writing element which is only 20 credits. The work in the studio has been going well. I continue to work on the basis of transforming found weathered objects from the beach by processes of deconstruction and reconstruction. I find working in a sketchbook by far the best method of getting into an object through constant drawing. By letting the object dictate the shape of the painting, there has been more room for creativity in terms of painted surface. The sculpture workshop has been a good source for off-cuts of wood. Some with very visible pre-use and interesting shapes which add to the character of the finished product. I have had two project spaces so far. A joint one with Emily Lang and Emma Kelsey, and one on my own. The joint one started out well but as neither of the other girls were organised on the day, things were a bit rushed and our goals were not met. The one I did on my own was perhaps more rewarding as I was able to focus on presentation and display which is a large component of what I am interested in this year. The mid-session review is this Friday and I have been getting my studio space ready for that. It is a restricted spaces so layout has to be well considered. Project Space with Emma and EmilyCompositional work on 'Tile': |
AuthorCarol E Duff Archives
May 2019